40 Points of Life Experience; My Reflections

This year I celebrated one of those “milestone” birthdays and it got me thinking about all the things I have learned through the course of  life so far.  I also thought about the deeper meanings to this learning and how did the learning come about from a fundamental standpoint.

The following points in this list are my reflections, learning points, and insights from my life that I have gained through many experiences from my early childhood though my adult life to this point in time. In some cases they encompass several life experiences with a common theme or they are from a very specific moment in my life. They are in no particular order and no point is more important than the other. They are very broad for a specific reason; to be applied where you want to apply them and how you want to apply them.

This list was so significant to me that I wanted to share it with so many more people I don’t know. I hope you enjoy reading my list and gain new learning and/or insight for your life.

  1. There is a lesson to be learned in everything; you have to listen and analyze on a much deeper level. Listen to yourself.
  2. Believing in yourself is hard to do, but when you do, great things will happen.
  3. Friends don’t go away; it is up to you to find and connect with the regularly.
  4. Always say “good morning”, “good afternoon” and “good night” to those important to you.
  5. Positivity is the key to happiness; find positives wherever you can when you need to as it leads to happiness.
  6. Admit to your mistakes and take ownership of them. When you do, so much can be learned while taking action leads to courage and respect.
  7. Love is not given; it is fought for. You want to have love you must fight to earn it.
  8. You are far more than what you allow others to see.
  9. Sometimes the everyday small things matter more than the grand gestures or presents.
  10. Don’t be afraid to say “yes” and don’t be afraid to say “no” either. Don’t waste one for the other and be respectful no matter what you say.
  11. Selfishness leads to trouble and pain.
  12. Learn something new and use it immediately. You will gain new perspectives, strengthen convictions, and/or advance on a new direction.
  13. Everything is a gift; gratefully accept and freely give.
  14. Anything is possible with a positive relationship.
  15. There are equal amounts of night time and day light but there is never a time of complete darkness. Even in our own darkest times there is someone who is our star or moon shining bright for us and on us.
  16. The lessons our parents or grandparents taught us don’t have true meaning until we become parents and grandparents.
  17. Do what you love to do not what you’ve been doing. Dig in to you and take the time and have the courage to act on what you love.
  18. Take time to explore, discover and engage in what is presented to you.
  19. Always say “please” and “thank you” in addition to opening doors for people. It is a sign of respect to all human beings. We are one community.
  20. Live, love and play passionately; it heightens the whole experience and makes it special.
  21. Say thank you to those who have helped you become the person you are. Then teach what you’ve learned to someone else.
  22. Community is much larger than your neighborhood or the city you live in. You make a positive contribution by what you do in it. Positive contributions extend far beyond what you can see in front of you.
  23. The term family reaches beyond blood relationships. If you love and care for someone, they are family.
  24. When you are open to feedback, coaching and challenges you will far exceed what you thought you were capable of.
  25. Working positively generates positive work.
  26. Take a minimum of 5 minutes a day to ask about someone’s day. This will fortify lasting learning, growth and relationships.
  27. Embrace your familial culture, traditions and history.  You are a product of your family’s culture and it has developed you to be who you are.
  28. All lessons are taught through experience; not a book or lecture.
  29. Being afraid shows you are alive; courage shows you are living.
  30. It’s ok to cry; it means you were listening.
  31. When you believe you are alone it is the time you are completely wrong.
  32. Being observant of your environment is an opportunity to engage in it.
  33. Offering to help is better than being asked to help.
  34. What you believe about yourself is exactly what you see in the mirror, but the mirror can’t make changes without you.
  35. Most fires are due to some sort of neglect. If you spend your time “putting out fires” what have you or others neglected to do?
  36. Ask questions to understand, buy in, and connect; not to challenge one’s integrity or authority.
  37. Life is like a cup of coffee or a glass of beer. Sometimes it’s full, sometimes it’s empty. It’s hot or it’s cold; sometimes it overflows or is just not enough. It’s just right or it tastes bad. Sometimes we have too much and sometimes there’s not enough. But no matter what, we know where to get a refill and we always come back for more.
  38. Self-fulfillment impacts everyone.
  39. Rejections provide learning experiences; the more rejections the more learning, the more learning the fewer rejections come.
  40. If things aren’t working as desired, develop up or change out.

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